I still remember ______ to the south where we attempted _____ the river, which proved to be dangerous.A.to be take; crossingB.to be taken; to crossC.being taken; crossingD.being taken; to cross

I still remember ______ to the south where we attempted _____ the river, which proved to be dangerous.A.to be take; crossingB.to be taken; to crossC.being taken; crossingD.being taken; to cross
像守望先锋那样的游戏,这样电脑状态能不能只换独立显卡鲁大师测的显卡性能2373 内存性能6870电脑型号技嘉 GA-A55M-DS2 台式电脑 (扫描时间:2019年02月05日)操作系统Windows 7 旗舰版 64位 SP1 ( DirectX 11 )处理器AMD Athlon(速龙) II X4 641 四核主板技嘉 GA-A55M-DS2 ( AMD K12 )内存4 GB ( Mes...